Dassault Systèmes rilascia di DraftSight 2018 SP3

by Marco Giannini on

Dassault Systèmes ha annunciato il rilascio di DraftSight 2018 SP3, il terzo service pack del suo software CAD gratuito per Windows, macOS e Linux.
Vediamo quali sono i bug risolti in questo aggiornamento:

  • Enhances Select Matching (“Anpassung auswählen”) to work more easily in German language to avoidì typing additional word to show settings.
  • Improves the stability of DraftSight 2018 with Mac OS 10.14 Mojave. (P.S. The latest release of Mojave 10.14 is a very new Mac OS, therefore it is not yet “officially” supported by the current release of DraftSight 2018.)
  • Improves Title.dcl file to work properly in DraftSight.
  • Improves printing experience and stability when using HP DesignJet 800 driver with “Print Error: The handle is invalid.”
  • Corrects a problem in the German version of DraftSight where option “Einstellungen” is not recognized unless the entire word is typed.
  • Fixes the problem when creating DWG files from DraftSight 2013 or other CAD system encountering limited functionality with the latest version of DraftSight 2018.
  • Improves the Options for “Entity Frame Control” so that the settings can be saved.
  • Fixes the problem where incorrect values are captured in G-code from G-Code Generator.
  • Corrects the behavior where Toolbars in Tool Matrix becomes greyed out and inaccessible when closing all files and using command File > New.
  • Fixes the problem where DraftSight to PDF task failed with error “The supplied object ID is not valid.”
  • Enhances the stability of Scale (command) entities to avoid the application hanging or stopping with no recovery.
  • Allows changing the values of block attributes from command line.
  • Improves the stability of DraftSight 2018 while using Batch Print (specific to Windows 7 OS).
  • Improves the performance when moving exploded blocks with a high resolution 4K monitor.
  • Corrects the behavior where Toolbox Weld Symbol changes appearance when Edit definition.
  • Improves the stability of DraftSight when closing the application (German OS).
  • Enhances DraftSight to remember the default file open location.
  • Fixes the problem where content of DWG/DXF is not displayed for embedded DWG/DXF OLE in other applications with only DraftSight installed on PC.

Potete scaricare DraftSight 2018 SP3 all'indirizzo https://www.3ds.com/it/prodotti-e-servizi/draftsight-cad-software/free-download/

Leggi il contenuto originale su Marco's Box

Written by: Marco Giannini